Thursday, January 24, 2013

Let's Get This Party Started!

So I'm having a little trepidation about the first blog post.  Should it be an introduction?  Well that's kind of in my profile.  Should it be like a Hollywood movie and start with a metaphorical car chase followed by an explosion?  Doesn't seem right.  So I'll simply describe what I hope to accomplish.

There are many bloggers out there that talk about eDiscovery, and sometimes discuss eDiscovery costs.  I am most interested in how costs, benefits and risk affect the decision-making process during litigation, and particularly during discovery, and more particularly involving electronic discovery.  So the goals of the Enlightened eDiscovery Blog are:

(1) Identify sources of electronic discovery costs and risks based on actual data and court findings

(2) Based on (1), offer models, suggestions or tips on how cost savings can be realized while maintaining defensibility and balancing the risks

Along with other publications and talks I'll be giving and will post here, I'll be posting and commenting on news, relevant court cases and other information that will help support these goals.

I look forward to engaging with the eDiscovery and legal communities on these issues!

Andy Cobb, PhD

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